The Differences Between F1, F2, F3, F4, and F5 Savannah Cats


The Savannah cat is a hybrid cat breed resulting from crossing a domestic cat with an African serval cat. They are known for their tall, slender build and distinctive spotted coat. Savannah cats are highly intelligent and energetic, making them great companions for active individuals or families. They are also known for their loyalty and social nature, often forming strong bonds with their owners. However, due to their wild ancestry, they may require additional training and socialization compared to traditional domestic cats. Savannah cats make for unique and fascinating pets, but they may not be the right fit for everyone.

A Savannah cat and a Serval cat

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Filial Generations of Savannah Cats

The Filial Generation (F) of a Savannah cat refers to how far removed it is from its wild ancestor, the serval cat. F1 Savannah cats are the first generation, with one serval parent and one domestic cat parent. F2 Savannah cats are the second generation, with one F1 Savannah parent and one domestic cat parent. The further removed a Savannah cat is from its wild ancestor, the more domesticated it becomes in terms of behavior and temperament.

F1 Savannah Cats

  • Weight: Up to 30 pounds
  • Height: Up to 19 inches tall
  • Length: Up to 22 inches long
An Adult F1 Savannah Cat
Adult F1 Savannah Cat/Photo from f1hybridssavannahcats

F1 Savannah cats are a hybrid breed resulting from the crossing of an African Serval and a domestic cat. They are known for their exotic appearance and dog-like personality. F1 Savannahs are the largest of all domestic cat breeds, with males weighing up to 30 pounds and standing up to 19 inches tall at the shoulder. They have a sleek coat with distinctive spots, and their long legs and ears give them a wild look. F1 Savannahs are intelligent, active, and social cats that require a lot of attention and stimulation. They are not recommended for first-time cat owners or households with small children or other pets.

F2 Savannah Cats

  • Weight: 16 to 25 pounds
  • Height: 15 to 18 inches tall
  • Length: 20 to 22 inches long
An F2 Savannah Kitten
F2 Savannah Kitten/Photo

F2 Savannahs are considered to be second-generation hybrids, meaning that they are bred from an F1 Savannah cat (a first-generation hybrid) and a domestic cat. They are known for their wild and exotic appearance, as well as their high energy and intelligence. While F2 Savannahs may not be as wild-looking as their F1 counterparts, they still have many of the same traits and make great pets for those who are willing to put in the time and effort to properly care for them.

F3 Savannah Cats

  • Weight: 13 to 19 pounds
  • Height: Up to 17 inches tall
  • Length: 7 to 20 inches long
An F3 Savannah Kitten
F3 Savannah Kitten

The F3 Savannah cat is considered a third-generation hybrid, meaning it has two generations of Savannah cat ancestors and one generation of domestic cat ancestors. In layman's terms, the F3 designation means that the cat is three generations removed from the serval, making it 12.5% serval and 87.5% domestic cat. As a result, F3 Savannahs are considered to be one of the more manageable hybrids, as they retain many of the traits of a domestic cat while also possessing some of the exotic features of their wild ancestors.

F4 Savannah Cats

  • Weight: 12 to 15 pounds pounds
  • Height: 14 to 16 inches tall
  • Length: 17 inches long
An F4 Savannah Kitten
F4 Savannah Kitten

F4 refers to the fourth generation of breeding between an F3 Savannah cat and a domestic cat. F4 Savannahs are considered to be one of the more domesticated generations of the breed, but they still retain some of the wild traits of their Serval ancestors. F4 Savannah cats are generally friendly, active, and intelligent. They are typically larger than domestic cats and have distinctive spotted coats. Furthermore, F4 Savannahs can make great pets for those who have experience with high-energy cats and are willing to provide them with plenty of stimulation and exercise.

F5 Savannah Cats

  • Weight: 11 to 13 pounds
  • Height: 11 inches tall on average
  • Length: 13 to 16 inches long
An F5 Savannah Cat

F5 Savannahs are bred from F4 Savannahs and domestic cats and are therefore further removed from the wild serval cat than earlier generations. F5 Savannahs are typically smaller and more domesticated than their ancestors, but they still retain some of the unique physical and behavioral traits of the serval, such as their distinctive spotted coat and their love of jumping and climbing.

Which Generations of Savannah Cats are Illegal to Own as Pets?

The legality of owning a Savannah cat varies by state and even by country. Some governments have banned certain generations of Savannah cats due to concerns about public safety and the welfare of the animals. Additionally, there is a risk of introducing foreign diseases to the domestic cat population through hybridization. As a result, it is important to check with your local animal ownership laws before considering owning a pet Savannah cat.

In the United States, all filial generations of Savannah cats are illegal to own in Rhode Island, Nebraska, Hawaii, and Georgia. In a few states including Alaska, Colorado, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont, only F4 and later generations of savannah cats are allowed to be kept as pets. In New York State, F5 and later generations of Savannah cats are legal to keep as pets, except in New York City, where all hybrid animals are banned. Savannah cats are legal to own with a permit in most of Texas. For more information see "Savannah Cat Legal and Illegal States."

In Canada, Savannah cats are legal to own in every province. However, you need to check your local bylaws as some provinces may have restrictions on the ownership of F1 and F2 Savannah cats. In the province of Alberta, for example, only F4 or greater Savannah cats are legal to own without a permit. For more information, see "legal exotic pets in Alberta." Furthermore, importing Savannah cats to Canada from the United States requires special permits and rabies vaccination.

In the United Kingdom, a license is required to keep an F1 Savannah cat as a pet. No license is required to keep F2, F3, F4, or F5 Savannah cats in the UK. For more information, see the "Top 8 Legal Exotic Cats in The UK."

Savannah Cat Prices

The most expensive cat breed in the US or probably the whole world is the Savannah cat. Savannah cats can cost anywhere from $1,500 to $30,000, depending on their generation and bloodline. Their high price tag is due to their exotic appearance and rarity, as well as the difficulty in breeding them. Despite their cost, Savannah cats are gaining popularity among cat enthusiasts.

  • F1 Savannah Cat - $10,000 - 25,000
  • F2 Savannah Cat - $6,000 - $10,000
  • F3 Savannah Cat - $2,500 - $8,000
  • F4 Savannah Cat - $1,500 - $5,000
  • F5 Savannah Cat - $1,000 - $2,500.

Caring For a Savannah Cat

Caring for a Savannah cat requires attention to its unique needs. These cats are highly active and require a lot of exercises, so make sure to provide them with plenty of toys and opportunities to play. They also need a high-protein diet, as well as regular vet check-ups to ensure their health. Savannah cats also tend to be social, so make sure to spend time bonding with them and providing them with interaction and attention. Additionally, it's important to make sure they have a safe and secure environment to live in. Overall, with proper care and attention, a Savannah cat can make a wonderful and loving pet, regardless of Filial Generation.


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